
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Flea

The Flea Market has been quite the buzzword in my family for awhile now - most of us love everything about the flea. Flea markets offer something for everyone, from tools to old sewing machines, chandeliers (I can't resist), furniture, glassware, and vintage finds. My sister has a booth at an indoor flea market called the Mega Mall in Lansing, MI - I have done posts about it before (see them here and here) and over Memorial Day weekend I helped her move in a new Seaside Green hutch and rearrange some things. Of course while I was there I snapped some pictures. Her booth is deep inside the Mega Mall - no natural light to be found so my pictures usually turn out pretty crappy. I was gladly surprised that the new camera did such a great job in there so I thought I'd share some here, for the love of the flea.

My sister snagged these decanters for me at the outdoor flea - 6 decanters for $7! How can you beat that?? My decanter collection went from 2 to 9.

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