
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mirror Transformation

Quick post today. Last weekend my sister transformed an ugly old plastic gold mirror into a bright cheery red one. So cute I had to share it. This project reminds me a lot of my own mirror transformation project, the fruits of which are hanging in my guest bath.

Read more about that project here.

The mirror she transformed was pretty similar. It did have the added challenge of an unremovable back. Unremovable without cracking the mirror anyway. My mirror simply unscrewed out of the frame. So instead she had to tape hers off.

Then she gave it a few even coats of Valspar red spray paint.

And now the mirror hangs in her booth. Pretty as ever. She appropriately named it "The Sassy Red Mirror". Ahh, aren't the wonders of spray paint bountiful?

Speaking of mirror transformation - I am getting ready to transform mine (see my latest thrift store find - a shapely hotel mirror here) but have not decided on a color! Any ideas? I am thinking black or white. Those options seem pretty boring though.

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