
Monday, November 14, 2011

Christmas Gift Alert - Monogrammed Pillows

**This is an alert because if you are a family member reading this post, you may be spoiling your Christmas gift. :-)

I have had a button art trend going on lately - check out a few of my latest button art projects:

See the posts about each: Wreath, H Monogram, Tree Painting

The picture on the upper right is my latest, and I made it as a gift for my grandma's birthday last week. The inspiration for this project comes from here.
My grandma loves pink - some might argue more than I do... but I don't know if that is possible. She is definitely who I get my pink obsession from. It runs in our blood! Anyway, I knew I wanted her gift to be pink... but not pink on pink. So I went with pink fabric and purple buttons.

To start I picked out the "M" I wanted to use (M is her first initial). I just typed in an M on Word and changed the font til I found one I liked.Then I increased the font size until it was almost the entire page.

I printed it and I cut it out to make a template for my pillow. For the pillow I just found a piece of pink fabric I liked and cut it out in a rectangle shape. I ended up using stuffing to fill it. I rifled through all my buttons and found enough purple to fill in the M shape nicely. Because buttons are round and the M has pretty straight lines, the buttons will not fill in the shape completely.

Then I set to work sewing them on. This is no easy task. In my post about the Button H I scoffed at how much people on Etsy were charging for these pillows... I scoff no more! It took me at least 3 hours to sew on all these buttons. Here are a couple progress shots.

And finished!

I think Grandma liked it!

This post is linked up with Sew Woodsy's Link Party and Southern Lovely's Link Party.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome button projects!!
    Thanks for sharing at Show & Share!
