
Saturday, October 1, 2011

House Tour Tab Launch - 2.5 Month Updates

This past weekend... preparing for the Wine and Cheese party... I did a day-long whole-house clean. Last week I completed a few projects getting ready for the party. Compulsively, when a room is clean and has a new project in it, I take pictures. I thought it might be a good idea to take pictures of every aspect of the house so you all can see how it has changed in just the short 2 and a half months we have lived here. The shots would also serve as "before" or "progress" pictures for projects in the future.
I also wanted this to be more than just another post that will get lost in the shuffle over time. I thought something more permanent that would be easy to access on the blog would be more appropriate. Then I thought of just the thing to accomplish all these goals.

Drum roll please....

Introducing the "House Tour" Tab! If you look up above this post, under the "Hems and Haws" title, you will see a row of tabs in a long gray rectangular box. The first tab says "Home" - this is how you get to the frequently updated posts. The second one says "House Tour" - this is where I have uploaded pictures from the entire house photo shoot. I encourage you to click on it now and check it out!

Here is a little taste of what is included on that tab - whole room pictures and never before seen angles of rooms in the house.

As you can see above there is quite a bit of room for additional tabs. I am playing around with a couple ideas and will keep you updated on what I decide. Just a teaser... I am thinking a "Before and After Gallery" would be fun. Do you have any other ideas for what you'd like to see?

Still can't find the tab? Click here to access the content a different way.

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