
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall has Fallen

Last week when I was out taking pictures of T.J.'s awesome new handmade outdoor furniture, I took a seat on the new bench. From there I had an awesome view of our backyard tree. I snapped its picture because I thought it was turning a beautiful yellow. The next day I noticed the color had pretty drastically changed to more of an orange. So I went out and took another picture thinking I'd put the two next to each other and compare. The following day it happened again, I was convinced the color was drastically different. So I did this for 4 days in a row from the same angle. I think somehow I was able to capture fall as it fell at our house. Check it out.

Here is another version so you can see the pictures a little bigger.

Can you believe that green-to-orange transformation happened in only 4 days? Sadly, one week later, almost all the leaves are on the ground instead of on the tree at all. I guess winter is coming...

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