
Monday, August 8, 2011


My mom (reluctantly) let me "borrow" this framed set of silhouette's from her house for my sewing room. She is on the left, my sister is in the middle, and I am on the right. I happen to think silhouettes are pretty neat and special. It is amazing how clearly a person is represented in their silhouette even though we mostly look at ourselves straight on. Did you see the silhouette my sister made me of my dog Lola? Check it out here.

These framed silhouettes inspired what I wanted to put on the wall next to them. I found these shelves at a garage sale in Schoolcraft, MI for less than $5.

Oops, Lola get out of the way! She is so sneaky. And cute.

They are interesting. I'm not sure I'd ever seen anything like them before. I took them out to throw a quick coat of black gloss spray paint on them. I decided to just go with the two biggest shelves based on the rule of three in decorating. The silhouette frame is my third piece.

This was taken about half an hour before a torrential downpour occurred while T.J. and I were out returning our library books. I am lucky these shelves survived! That spray paint is tough. The box did not meet the same lucky fate and is now in the garbage. :-/

Here is the arrangement on the wall. I am still deciding on which nicknacks to display, these shelves offer many different placement possibilities.

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